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Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy

Learning for Life


Who is the Academy's SENCo?

The school’s designated Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Gemma Carey. Mrs Carey can be contacted by telephone on 0121 7445245 or email
The roles and responsibilities of the SENCo include:

  • leading and managing special education provision and learning support resources throughout the school and in Streetsbrook Childcare
  • offering advice and support to colleagues and parents
  • helping colleagues identify and plan for children who have particular learning, physical, social or emotional needs and adhering to the principle that ‘all teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs’
  • supporting colleagues in planning and developing ‘Personalised Learning Plans’
  • maintaining the Special Educational Needs Register
  • arranging, attending and minuting all Personalised Learning Plan Reviews which are held in school to ensure continuing liaison and support to parents with children with particular needs
  • completing relevant paperwork, including ‘Education, Health and Care Plans’ and referrals and monitoring their progress through regular liaison with the Local Authority
  • liaising with external support agencies as appropriate and ensuring that the use of such specialist support is well managed within the school
  • organising appropriate and timely interventions to support children not on track to meet their targets and monitoring the effectiveness of such interventions
  • attending relevant training
  • regularly auditing and reviewing staff training needs and providing relevant training to develop whole staff knowledge and understanding of SEND and strategies to support inclusion and high quality teaching
  • writing and regularly reviewing the academy’s Special Educational Needs Policy and the Accessibility Plan
  • reporting on the success of the Special Education Needs Policy, provision and the allocation of resources – both human and material to the Governing Body