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Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy

Learning for Life


Lunch Menus

Birthday Day Lunch Update 

Thank you to everyone who has joined us for lunch this year  -  we know the children have loved having you there!

I'm not sure we had anticipated how popular this 'treat' would be and are very grateful to our lunchtime catering team and our lunchtime supervisors for their support this year.

Unfortunately, we are no longer in a position to offer a birthday lunch to all children and from September will only be offering this option to children when they reach Year 2.

From September,  if you wish to join your Year 2 child for a Birthday Lunch please book in advance,  via the school office. 

As the number of visitors we can accommodate per lunchtime is limited, booking is subject to availability, and is restricted to one visitor per child. 

Thank you for your understanding. 
