How do you promote inclusion within the academy? Including trips?
How do you promote inclusion within school, including trips?
We are totally committed to providing an inclusive education for all of our children at Streetsbrook. This includes, but is not limited to:
- the class teacher having the highest possible expectations for each child in their class
- quality first teaching which is targeted to support what each child already knows, can do and can understand
- putting in place a range of different teaching strategies so that every child is fully involved in their learning e.g. using more practical learning or providing a different range of resources
- adapting lessons to meet the needs of every child in the class
- grouping the children to best support the learning
- putting in place specific strategies, which may be suggested by the SENCo, Inclusion Support Practitioner or an external agency, to enable a child to access their learning
All children at Streetsbrook are enabled to participate in a range of trips which are carefully planned by staff to enhance their learning. Risk Assessments are carried out for each trip and appropriate numbers of adults are made available to accompany the children including 1:1 support if necessary.
After school clubs are available to all children and relevant adjustments will be made to support participation.