Governor Vacancies
We have no vacancies at present.
Role of the Governing Body
The Governing Body are responsible for providing confident and strategic leadership, and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the school's education and financial performance. The Governing Body is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children.
Becoming a Governor is not only a very rewarding experience; it is also considered a very valuable commitment by many employers. In addition to fulfilling the expectations of a Governor, there are lots of training opportunities which would further enhance your professional development. Joining this team would provide you with a valuable opportunity to be more involved with the strategic development and the children's education. As a Parent Governor, you will work with the Governing Body to ensure it effectively carries out the duties outlined above. You will also play a vital role in ensuring that the Governing Body is connected with, and is aware of the view of parents and the local community.
Becoming a Governor requires an expected level of commitment, we ask that you seriously consider
these expectations before submitting an application.
Parent Governor's serve a four-year term of office. Parents or Carers of registered children at the time of the election may apply (Childcare, Nursery or Infant department). Parent Governors may continue to hold office until the end of their term of office even if their child leaves the school. Parent Governors are representative parents rather than representatives of the parents; the Governing Body is not a forum in which to raise complaints or grievances on behalf of parents, such issues must be raised via the Parent Partnership Team or by contacting Mrs Minter directly.
As a Parent Governor, you will be assigned to one or two committees, dependent on your skills base:
- Finance, Audit & Risk Committee
- Curriculum & Standards Committee
- Childcare Committee
Governors are expected to:
- Prepare for meetings by reading all paperwork beforehand
- Attend the Full Governing Body Meetings (one per term)
- Attend assigned Committee Meetings (one per term)
- Actively fulfil duties in relation to an area of responsibility to which you are assigned (such a SEND, H&S, Sports Premium etc)
- Actively fulfil duties in relation to any responsibilities you may be assigned to, linked to the School Improvement Plan priorities
- Attend new Governor training courses as well as those applicable to your role
- Abide by the Code of Conduct (eg confidentiality/ use of social media/ proactive with new Governor email account)
- Undertake an Enhanced DBS check and Section 28 Management Check
- Show a commitment to promoting British Values
Governor meetings usually take place on Thursdays, starting between 4.00pm and 5.30pm; meeting usually last for 2 hours.
Governor attendance is monitored and addressed regularly, and recorded on the website.
Governors details are recorded nationally on the GIAS website (Get Information About Schools -