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Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy

Learning for Life


Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

Educational achievement and subsequent life chances for LAC and previously LAC are of real concern. Children who are looked after often require additional support and attention in order to improve their situation. Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy endeavours to provide positive experiences and offer stability, safety, and individual care and attention for all our children. With this in mind, we aim to:


  • encourage children to reach their potential and to make good progress in relation to their professional, social and emotional development
  • ensure that children enjoy high quality teaching and a curriculum which meets their needs and the requirements of legislation
  • plan support for LAC realistically and use the school’s resources efficiently to ensure the school meets their needs
  • promote a positive culture in all aspects of school life
  • help children develop their cultural, moral and social understanding



Looked-after children (LAC) are defined as:


  • children or young people who are the subject of a Care Order or Interim Care Order under the Children Act 1989.
  • children who are placed in foster care, children’s residential homes, with relatives or friends, in semi-independent or supported independent accommodation.
  • children subject to a Care or Interim Care Order whilst placed with a parent, where the LA has parental responsibility.
  • children who are not subject to an order, but are accommodated by the LA under an agreement with their parents.


Previously LAC (PLAC) are defined as:


  • children who are no longer looked after by an LA in England and Wales because they have either been adopted or are the subject of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order.
  • children who were adopted outside England and Wales from ‘state care’ (care that is provided by a public authority, religious organisation, or other organisation whose main purpose is to benefit society).