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Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy

Learning for Life


What is the Academy's offer?

The Academy has supported a huge number of children with a range of additional needs including Autism, Speech and Language Difficulties, Moderate Learning Difficulties, Downs Syndrome, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attachment Disorder, Diabetes, Global Delay, Cerebral Palsy.


The SEN Code of Practice identifies four broad areas of need:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • Sensory and /or physical needs

As the code clearly states ‘In practice, individual children or young people often have needs that cut across all these areas and their needs may change over time.’  Children with Austism for example are likely to have needs across all areas, including particular sensory requirements.
The following table outlines the particular areas of expertise the school has and an overview of the provision the school puts in place to support children with these particular needs. 


Communication and Interaction Needs


Background Information:

What the school does:

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

There have been an increasing number of children who have either arrived at Streetsbrook with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or who have received a diagnosis during their time at our academy.  This is very much in line with the picture across Solihull.  Children’s needs have varied significantly depending on where they are on the spectrum and the school has successfully met these needs through a carefully planned programme of individualised support.
The school benefitted from the AET training and Mrs Carey is currently the lead teacher for Autism.
  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans, including relevant interventions
  • Develops a personalised visual timetable and individual task board
  • Key staff are trained in Makaton and PECS to aid communication and understanding
  • Consistent use of symbols and visual supports across the setting
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs -with support from parents where appropriate.
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Works with the ASD team to develop a ‘Needs Based Plan’
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Adapts the classroom to try to provide a low stimulatory learning environment
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’ to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Has a highly effective Behaviour Policy
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities for staff
  • Regular classroom/whole school sensory audits to ensure an ‘ASD friendly’ setting
  • ASD Parent Surgery held fortnightly throughout the year with a member of the ASD Team

Speech, Language and Communication Needs

The school has supported a significant number of children with Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties.  Children’s needs have varied  significantly with some children being unable to communicate what they want to,  to those who find it difficult to understand what is being said to them, to those who do not understand the social rules for communication.
Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum especially in terms of the use of language, ensuring language is simplified, repeated and modelled as appropriate
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans, including relevant interventions
  • Develops a personalised visual timetable and individual task board, as appropriate
  • Key staff are trained in Makaton and PECS to aid communication and understanding
  • Consistent use of symbols and visual supports across the setting
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Uses the ‘Language Link’ programme to identify and support children with speech, language and communication difficulties
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals, including the school’s Speech and Language Therapist to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’ to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staf

Cognition and Learning Needs

There have been a number of children who have been diagnosed as having a moderate learning difficulty.  Staff at Streetsbrook have successfully differentiated the curriculum to ensure the needs of these children are met.

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans, including relevant interventions
  • Develops a personalised visual timetable and individual task board
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’, as appropriate, to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff

Streetsbrook has successfully supported children with Down Syndrome over a significant number of years

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans, including relevant interventions
  • Develops a personalised visual timetable and individual task board
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’ to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff
  • Key staff have Makaton training and all staff have been trained to communicate core phrases using Makaton.
A number of children have attended Streetsbrook with a diagnosis of Global Delay and their needs have been successfully met.
  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans, including relevant interventions
  • Develops a visual timetable and individual task board
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’ to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff
  • Ensures relevant staff have Makaton training

Dyslexia is difficult to diagnose in children at a young age.  Nevertheless, the school has supported a number of children who we have identified as having possible dyslexia and this has usually been confirmed during their time at Junior School.

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans, including relevant interventions
  • Develops a visual timetable and individual task board
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’ to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff

The school has supported a number of children with a diagnosis of Dyspraxia.  The curriculum, where necessary has been differentiated or adapted to meet the specific needs of these children.

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans, including relevant interventions
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and overcome
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs - an example being BEAM
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Provides adaptations to equipment and resources to support inclusion
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’, as appropriate, to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff
Social, Emotional and Mental Heath DifficultiesAttention

Streetsbrook has successfully supported children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and has successfully differentiated the Curriculum and environment to meet their specific needs.

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans where appropriate, including relevant interventions and movement breaks.
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and overcome
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Has a highly effective Behaviour Policy
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’, as appropriate, to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff

The school has not yet supported any children with Attachment Disorder, but staff have had training in this area and are fully equipped to support children with this particular need.

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans where appropriate, including relevant interventions
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and overcome
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Has a highly effective Behaviour Policy
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’, as appropriate, to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides excellent pastoral care
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff
Sensory and/or Physical NeedsCerebral

A number of children with Cerebral Palsy have attended Streetsbrook and a wide range of needs have been successfully catered for.

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans where appropriate
  • Develops a personalised task board, where appropriate
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Adapts the physical environment
  • Provides a range of resources such as a ‘sloping board’ and specially designed pens and scissors
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’, as appropriate, to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Develops rigorous ‘Risk Assessments’ to ensure each child is safe
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff

Streetsbrook has successfully supported children with a Sensory Processing Disorder ensuring a fully inclusive learning environment.

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans where appropriate
  • Develops a personalised task board, where appropriate
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Works with the child to create a personalised sensory diet
  • Sensory motor breaks embedded into the school day
  • Provides appropriate resources to accommodate specific sensory needs
  • Provides access to a  low stimulatory area where appropriate for children that experience ‘sensory overload’
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Adapts the physical environment
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’, as appropriate, to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff

The school  has experience of working with children who have a  diagnosis of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans where appropriate
  • Develops a personalised task board, where appropriate
  • Use of Makaton to aid understanding and communication
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Adapts the physical environment
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’, as appropriate, to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Develops rigorous ‘Risk Assessments’ to ensure each child is safe
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff

Here at Streetsbrook we are successfully supporting a number of children with a visual impairment. We have also supported children with hearing impairments with much success.

  • Ensures a fully inclusive curriculum and learning environment
  • Differentiates the curriculum, including providing opportunities for pre-learning and regular reinforcement of key learning
  • Develops Personalised Learning Plans where appropriate
  • Develops a personalised task board, where appropriate
  • Use of Makaton to aid understanding and communication
  • Develops intervention groups tailored to support specific needs
  • Disseminates important information to all staff, so everyone has a shared understanding of each child’s needs
  • Seeks support and on-going advice from external professionals to ensure any barriers to learning are fully identified and adhered to
  • Works with professionals and parents to create a Management Plan of medical need
  • Provides additional adult support as and when appropriate
  • Adapts learning resources and tools in the setting
  • Adapts the physical environment
  • Develops ‘Communication Passports’, as appropriate, to support transition
  • Holds at least termly review meetings with parents to discuss progress made against the personalised learning plan
  • Develops rigorous ‘Risk Assessments’ to ensure each child is safe
  • Provides regular training opportunities  for staff

