‘Good behaviour in schools is central to a good education. Schools need to manage behaviour well so that they can provide calm, safe and supportive environments which children and young people want to attend and where they can learn and thrive.’
Behaviour in Schools - DfE, 2022
At Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy we recognise that our values and ethos are central to the development of the whole child and are at the heart of our school's purpose and the educational process. Our values are embedded in the life of our school and reflected through its character and spirit. We recognise that these values are central to the development of positive attitudes and behaviour.
We believe that nurturing good learning behaviours in children at an early age impacts positively on the standard of behaviour in school and with parental support, this will extend beyond the school gate.
Children, staff, parents and governors have agreed the following five core values as being integral to our school:
Developing successful relationships where individuals can build and follow their dreams.
Desire to learn
To enjoy the lifelong process and challenge of learning; alone and with others.
Having the self-belief to embrace and follow your own choices.
Love and Respect
To have respect for ourselves, others and the environment, recognising and celebrating individual lifestyles, cultures and faiths.
Being a good citizen
Making a positive contribution to communities on a local and global scale.
These shared ideals have given us a collective set of values and beliefs; they are made explicit to everyone in our school community and displayed around the school, including in classrooms.
To help our children aspire to these values, all staff demonstrate positive models of behaviour at all times and share a common expectation regarding the behaviour and attitudes of the children in school. A consistent approach to behaviour and discipline is the key to a successful, happy school.
The school acknowledges that behaviour can sometimes be the result of educational needs, mental health issues, or other needs or vulnerabilities, and will address these needs via an individualised graduated response.
To help reduce the likelihood of behavioural issues related to social, emotional or mental health (SEMH), the school aims to create a safe and calm environment in which positive mental health and wellbeing are promoted and children are taught to be resilient. The school aims to promote resilience as part of a whole-school approach using the following methods:
Culture, ethos and environment – the health and wellbeing of children and staff is promoted through the informal curriculum, including leadership practice, policies, values and attitudes, alongside the social and physical environment
Teaching – the curriculum is used to develop children’s knowledge about health and wellbeing
Community engagement – the school proactively engages with parents, outside agencies and the wider community to promote consistent support for children and staff health and wellbeing
All staff are aware of how potentially traumatic adverse childhood experiences, including abuse and neglect, can impact on a child’s mental health, behaviour, and education. Where vulnerable children or groups are identified, provision will be made to support and promote their positive mental health.