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Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy

Learning for Life





At Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy, we take attendance very seriously.  We know that children who attend regularly achieve more, settle better and thrive in school.  To support us, we have commissioned the services of Central School Attendance and Welfare Service Ltd (CSAWS) for this academic year.


The allocated CSAWS Attendance and Welfare Officer will attend school on a regular basis and undertake work in challenging unauthorised absences and low attenders to help raise attendance and outcomes for children.  This means that a higher level of support is provided to parents as well as being proactive in dealing with attendance concerns.  They may write to parents, invite them in to school for meetings or complete home visits.


We really appreciate your co-operation in ensuring your child attends school regularly, and that you keep us informed of the reasons behind a child’s absence.  When a child is absent from school, you are required to telephone the office first thing in the morning.  Office staff will make contact with you if we have not received a call by 9.30am. 


Attendance analysis and subsequent letters are carried out on a termly basis.  If your child's attendance percentage is less than our target level, then you will be in receipt of a letter.  We ask that you welcome these letters and understand that we have a legal duty to keep you informed of your child's attendance and of any concerns we may have.  We do hope that by working together to keep attendance levels high, we can maintain our 'outstanding' status whilst providing your children with the best education available to them. 


Please note that when a child's attendance level drops below 90%, this is classed as a 'Persistent Absentee '(PA).  There is a clear expectation that efforts are to be made to improve attendance, therefore further absences will not be authorised without supporting evidence, such as a doctors letter or hospital appointment letters.


Thank you for your continued support.


Sickness & Diarrhoea Information

In line with guidance from the Health Protection Agency, our school policy states that you should keep your child off school for 48 hours following the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. This is to allow your child to fully recover before returning to school and/or Childcare as well as ensuring the spread of infection in school and/or Childcare is minimised. 

Thank you in advance for your full co-operation. 

Central School Attendance & Welfare Service Ltd (CSAWS) 

Streetsbrook have commissioned the services of CSAWS for this academic year. 


DfE Advice for Parents on School Attendance
