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Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy

Learning for Life


Holiday Club

Other than our closures on four INSET days, Christmas Closure and bank holidays, we offer a holiday club during each school holiday. The majority of our staff work all year round so children are familiar with the adults who care for them; this ensures our policies and procedures are effectively maintained throughout the year. 


We actively encourage the children to help plan our daily activities so we ensure we are meeting their interests. These have consisted of Quiz & Games Days, Bug Hunts, Cookery Days and Cartoon Character Themed Days. This is then enhanced by regular input from outside providers such as Fit4Schools, Solihull Moors Football Club, Animated Dance, Swimming with Carol Adams, WFS and many more. 

You may complete, sign, scan and email forms through to


If you would like to book a place, please complete and return the following:-

  1. Booking Form 

  2. Record of Information 

A Record of Information form MUST be completed and returned unless your child booked in to our October, February, Easter or May holiday club. Your booking will not be processed without the completed form.  

We will contact you in due course to confirm whether your sessions are booked and with an invoice for payment.  Please do not make payment until you have received your invoice.  Invoices will then be required to be paid by Friday 12 July 2024 to secure your booking. 

The closing date for bookings Friday 12 July 2024  and all bookings are made on a first-come, first served basis. 

Please note that there is a 10% discount for siblings. 


May Half Term Holiday Club 

Booking Forms are now available for our May Half Term Holiday Club from Tuesday 28 May-Friday 31 May 2024. 

If you would like to book a place, please complete and return the following:-

  • Booking Form 
  • Record of Information 

A Record of Information form MUST be completed and returned unless your child booked in to our October, February or Easter holiday club. Your booking will not be processed without the completed form.  

We will contact you in due course to confirm whether your sessions are booked and with an invoice for payment.  Please do not make payment until you have received your invoice.  Invoices will then be required to be paid by Monday 20 May 2024 to secure your booking.  The closing date for bookings is Monday 20 May 2024  and all bookings are made on a first-come, first served basis. 

Please note that there is a 10% discount for siblings. 

Booking Forms are now available for our Easter Holiday Club. 

If you would like to book a place, please complete and return the following:-

  • Booking Form 
  • Record of Information 

A Record of Information form MUST be completed and returned unless your child booked in to our October or February half term holiday club. Your booking will not be processed without the completed form.  

We will contact you in due course to confirm whether your sessions are booked and with an invoice for payment.  Please do not make payment until you have received your invoice.  Invoices will then be required to be paid by Monday 18 March 2024 to secure your booking.  The closing date for bookings is Monday 18 March 2024  and all bookings are made on a first-come, first served basis. 

Please note that we have introduced a new offer of 10% discount for siblings. 

Just some of the fun things we enjoy at Holiday Club...
