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Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy

Learning for Life


RE at Streetsbrook

Through Religious Education we aim to enable and encourage children to acquire a knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and other principal world religions and to develop positive skills and attitudes in relation to world religions.  We encourage a respect for all people, their beliefs and cultural values. We foster an appreciation of the way in which religious beliefs shape life and contribute to personal morality and social responsibility.  Through reflection upon their experiences, children will be given the opportunity to appreciate the spiritual dimensions of life and to consider and begin to understand the meaning of life.


We adhere to the Solihull Agreed Syllabus which specifies core Christian content that must be taught.   Visits and visitors are planned in throughout the course of the year and we also hold a Celebration Day to focus upon a particular religious festival each year. 


The progress of children is supported by a well sequenced and progressive RE curriculum where children acquire and build upon knowledge through an enquiry based question that begins each unit.  We place importance on open ended discussions with children about what they know prior and then revisiting the question throughout and at the end of the lesson and topic.  This enables teachers and children to be able to understand and articulate the progress they are making and support teachers decisions for future planning and targeted support that children may need. Planning has been adapted to enable children to gain contextual learning through the use of artefacts and videos of ‘real-life’ experiences.


Throughout their time at Streetsbrook children will develop the ability to discuss, explore and acquire knowledge of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Sikhism and other beliefs.  The curriculum is structured to enable children to consolidate and build upon their knowledge of these religions from EYFS to KS1.


At Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive setting that promotes and celebrates the benefits that inclusion brings for all children. We are committed to identifying and removing potential barriers to learning across the curriculum for a diverse range of individuals and groups, and strive to ensure all children make progress. RE  plays an important role in developing confidence and supporting children in expressing and understanding their feelings and beliefs.


Staff are highly skilled in adapting the curriculum, the learning environment, their practice and the resources used in order to meet the needs of all children. Additional adults and support staff are deployed effectively and support the class teachers in ensuring children are able to make progress in each curriculum area. Pre-teaching of key vocabulary is used to support children with English as an Additional Language.


The legal requirements concerning the provision of Religious Education and an Agreed Syllabus flow, principally, from the Education Act 1996 (S. 375), the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (SS. 69 and 71 and Schedule 19) and the Education Act 2002 (S.80).

  1. Religious Education must be provided for all registered pupils in full time education except those withdrawn at their parents’ request.

Please click Legal Requirements for further details.


