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School Logo

Streetsbrook Infant & Early Years Academy

Learning for Life


Little Stars

Children in Little Stars can attend Streetsbrook Childcare from 7.30am until 6.00pm (8.00am - 5.30pm during the school holidays) on a full or part time basis. We also offer funded only sessions, offering greater flexibility for working parents and for those accessing training for example.  Children can attend from their second birthday until they move to Nursery or Reception.   Our two year old children are our Little Stars and as they turn three they then become Rockets and move into the Rockets room.  Our Key Groups are deliberately organised by their children's age so that activities are specifically planned to ensure children are appropriately challenged to help them make progress.

From September 24, meal prices are £2.75 for lunches and £2.90 for teas.  

You must keep your meal account in credit all times - failure to do so will result in meals not being available for your child.  

If you are interested in a place in Little Stars from September 24 onwards, please complete a Booking Form (Little Stars Sept 24) and we will be in touch with you. 

Having  lots of fun at Christmas
